Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened at my Last Networking Event

Actually a couple of funny things happened at the Financial Services Networking Event, though the thought of something funny happening in those circumstances may be a bit hard to figure. No seriously, first thing I noticed was how many of us have really taken to getting a lot of exercise. For many of the reasons I’ve written about previously all us unemployed folk seemed to have hit the gym. There we all were going over our intro’s and each and everyone of us were talking about how many pounds we’re lifting or how many miles were running. As our friend in Westchester, Martha might say, “It’s a good thing”. We are certainly going to be the most healthy, in shape unemployed folks in a good century I’d say.

The funny thing I noticed, and this was more in a fun in funny, was that we are definitely re-inventing ourselves. One guy said, not so jokingly, that he almost responded to an ad for a French nanny. This guy is in international wealth management, I believe. I guess his language skills could be put to good use. This other woman was looking into being a yoga instructor. Not sure what she did in past life, but I believe she was some high ranking bank exec. Finally and most striking to me, was when I shared that I was finally finding a personal life after so many years, she shared the fact that she too was finding one. Seems like there are so many things we have sublimated all these years in search of that next promotion or landing that next big deal. As I’ve said before, or at least I’ve thought before, this past year has turned out to be the greatest blessing for me. I urge all of you to think about this. Because you know, we will go back to work, really, and we don’t want to look back and see all that time that was wasted on needless worry and fruitless activities. Enjoy the kids, read the books you’ve always wanted to, take that dance class or cooking class…enjoy life.

Back to job hunting. I continue to find jobs to apply for, so companies are still hiring regardless of all the ucky news about layoffs. In fact I was contacted by a company because of my profile on Make sure you update your profile and go get those recommendations. Evidently they really do make a difference and more and more companies are using as a source of potential candidates. Please be careful about what kind of picture you post on your profile. I was just looking at this one profile of a contact of a contact. She has on this strapless top. I just did a double take and then noticed that she’s going back to school and isn’t in the more “serious” fields, but all kidding aside, please be careful

That’s all I have for the week. It’s probably because my mind is more on my personal life at this point. Well hey, better that than worrying about why they haven’t set up that next round of interviews for me right? It does tend to keep one very upbeat and positive you know.

On that note, I wish you all well in your searches and remember smell the frikin roses and feed the birds!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Try your best to ignore all the bad news.

Listen I probably read more papers and websites and listen to more news shows than anyone I know. However, if you are having a really hard time keeping focused and staying hopeful, you probably do really need to turn it off. The reason is, listen to this, I was able to apply for 20 jobs last week and so far this week, I’ve sent out nine applications. On top of that two companies have contacted me and I’ve had a series of interviews. Believe it or not, regardless of all the bad news out there, they are still hiring.

Let me walk you though my quick fire method of “the hunt”.

1. I am registered on all the internet job sites;,,, and probably 20 others. All of them allow you to create searches which they then mail results to you on a daily basis. (You have to set your parameters for that, but you can do it. I know you can.)

2. I get up in the morning and turn my pc on and my TV off at 9:00.

3. I go through all those emails from the search engines. When I identify a job that I’m interested in and that I meet the requirements for, I open it, and it creates a new window. Leave those windows be and continue on through the emails.

4. Once I’m finished going though all the emails, I start on the job apps I have open in the windows. One by one I apply for the jobs:

a. Print copy of job description. (Once you get into the application it will disappear.
b. Complete the job application using appropriate resume and cover letter.
c. Note on spreadsheet including: job title, company, date of app,
d. Write date of application on top of hard copy and file by month.

5. Don’t over think the process. Once you get called you have plenty of time to ask questions of them and of yourselves.

Well there you have it, my tried and true method for “the hunt”. Hey, I’ve probably gotten more interviews than most people in the last year. It’s just an extension of a direct mail campaign we used in my marketing days.

Oh, and by the way, I do fit in time to go to the gym and for tea and cookies at 2:00. Make sure you include things in your day that keep you motivated and positive. I am sorry I haven’t written for a while. It’s not that I’ve been depressed or anything, quite the contrary. I just seem to be so darned busy for someone who isn’t working. What’s weird is that amongst all this terrible news on TV and the papers, I’m feeling quite happy and confident and filled with positive energy. I know some of my friends and family members may be wondering what little pills I may have found, but that’s not it at all.

One more point, keep in touch with friends and family. You don’t have to say much. It can be as simple as instant messaging, but it is so important to both them and to you. Well that’s my final word for the day. Gotta run. Meeting my networking friends for happy hour.